Rays at Bucaroon Bay

Rays are a member of the cartilaginous fish category which includes sharks, skates and chimaeras.  Most stingrays have one or more stingers on the tail.  The stingray is not aggressive and uses its stinger only in self-defense.  Their flat grayish bodies make it easy for them to hide themselves in the sand.  They agitate the sand to cover themselves.  Manta rays and porcupine rays do not have stingers.  

Like sharks, rays use sensors located around their mouths to identify electrical signals from their prey.  The sensors compensate for the location of their eyes 

Doing the stingray shuffle through the water will to avoid stepping on a stingray while also scaring the stingray.  

Stingrays can grow up to 14 feet long and weigh up to 700 pounds.  Their venom was used in ancient times by dentists as an anesthetic

