Chew! Chew!

Izzy has discovered an intense love for shoes.   She seems to have a special sense of shoes not put away.   It is true that dog’s like to chew on things that smell like their people.  Shoes are the perfect remedy for teething pain.   Shoes also have an interesting story to tell.  The smells and odors from wherever  shoes have been keep curious puppies busy with trying to figure out where their people have been without them. 

Here she is with Steve’s favorite shoes.  

The first step in teaching her not to chew shoes is to remove the shoes.  That doesn’t seem to bother her too much since Steve’s jeans are easily available and just as yummy to chew.

Another step in eliminating chewing on shoes is to give a puppy something acceptable to chew like a toy.   Izzy found something outside that works for her.

Seems like  these shrubs that Steve mutilated back in the spring are coming in handy now.  (See the Chainsaw Masacre post).  Her needle like canines are getting a real workout here.  

Our vet says that Izzy should have all of her adult teeth by age 6 months.  We have a ways to go with the teething but we are learning to put away our shoes.  

It’s hard to believe that sweet little innocent face destroyed the charger to my Kindle. 




5 thoughts on “Chew! Chew!”

  1. So much fun with the puppy training. If only had as much success with my cat. 🙂

    1. Thank you, Susan, we completely agree. Come by anytime and say hello or throw her a tennis ball and she will be your friend for life.

  2. She’s such a pretty girl, and looks so innocent! I hope to meet her on my next trip to GA.

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