Take A Hike

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Are you looking to get out of town this weekend and maybe take a hike?  I suggest a trip to Brasstown Bald which is part of the Blue Ridge Mountains.  An elevation of 4,783 feet makes this mountain top the highest point in Georgia.  Admission to the park is $5 and includes a shuttle ride to the top if hiking is not appealing.   

The shaded paved trail to the top of the mountain is a little over half a mile long.   rhododendron and mountain laurel are scattered along the trail as are these beautiful tiny orange flowers.  An observation deck sits at the top of crest with a small theater.  Be sure to check out the film describing the mountain area.

Even th

I am not an expert on mushrooms but I am making an educated guess that the orange one above is a Cantharellus Cinnabarinus also known as the cinnabar red chanterelle.  It looks like the mountains are getting ready for a colorful fall!


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