November 11, 2012

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November 11, 2012
It is not difficult to detect the presence of God this morning.  Again, I have gotten out of bed before the sun gets up.  I like to go sit in the cockpit and look out over the water.  There is a layer of fog sitting on the water drifting around; being moved by a greater presence I am unable to see physically, but I can definitely see results.  This morning I took out my devotional book Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.  Young writes as Jesus might speak “Do not let any set of circumstances intimidate you.  The more challenging your day, the more of My Power I place at your disposal.”  
 I found those words timely and encouraging.  I am facing the challenges of a new lifestyle and a new mode of transportation.  While these new things are exciting, there is some fear.  
 Remember when we all got new computers and were so afraid to do anything that might make it crash.  I feel like that now.
Young cites Ephesians 1:18-20, Psalm 105:4, and Deuteronomy 33:25 as sources for her words.  The Ephesians passage is written by Paul to the people of Ephesus.  He prays that the people may be enlightened in order to know the hope and great power for those who believe in Christ.  Great power he reminds the Ephesians that God used when he raised Christ from the dead. 
Psalm 105:4 says, Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. 
I have always found it hard to read devotional books.  It’s hard to read just one day.   So as usual, I turned the page back to November 10.  This is so good I have to share the entire passage by Sarah Young.
                Focus your entire being on My living Presence.  I am most assuredly with you,
                Enveloping you in My Love and Peace.  While you relax in My Presence, I am
                molding your  mind and cleansing your heart. I am recreating you into the one
                I designed you to be. 
                As you move from stillness into the activities of  your day, do not relinquish your
                Attentiveness to Me.  If something troubles you, talk it over with Me.  If you
                get bored with what you are doing, fill the time with prayers and praise.  When
                someone irritates you, don’t let your thoughts linger on that person’s faults.
                Gently nudge your mind back to Me.  Every moment is precious if you keep
                Your focus on Me.  Any day can be a good day, because My Presence permeates
                all the time. ”
Those words are a little close to home for me, but serve as a reminder.  Again, God has created a beautiful day to enjoy. 
We look forward to a visit from Barry, Janet, Jessica and Matthew (aka James) today. 