April 10 Lynyard Cay to Marsh Harbour Marina

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April 10, 2013
We are planning to leave our anchorage today and head over to Marsh Harbour Marina.  Before we can leave, we listen in to the cruiser’s net on the VHF station 68 for the local news.  The hosts give a weather report and ask for other boaters to comment to confirm and add to the weather in the areas surrounding the Sea of Abaco.  After the weather comes the time for Invitations.
 All the local restaurants advertise their specials for lunch or dinner, and let everyone know if reservations are required.  The smaller restaurants don’t serve dinner every night.  It is like they all take turns so everyone can have a slice of the visitor pie for diners.  The local guides also advertise for fishing expeditions, scuba and snorkel expeditions. We heard from Hopetown, Marsh Harbour, Guana Key, Lubbers Landing and more.  Pete’s pub advertises its drink the Little Harbour Blaster with the words “Why walk when you can crawl?”  I didn’t find the drink to be anything like that–but I don’t want to interfere with their advertising scheme.
Open mike is the next part of the broadcast.  Anyone may ask questions at this time and either the hosts, or other boaters are free to provide the necessary information.  I discovered what time Yoga is offered at Hopetown.  We learned who sold fresh fish in Hopetown as well.  After open mike is a welcome to newcomers who are encouraged to state their boat name, as well as their hometown and plans.  We have not yet announced our arrival–maybe after listening a few more times. 
Those listeners who are leaving the Bahamas are then asked to announce their departure plans and may request buddy boats to travel with them.  We enjoy this part of the program as it helps us to figure out the best way course to take when we leave.  We plan to arrive at Ft. Pierce Florida in late May–but haven’t plotted our way yet. 
We packed up and secured everything after the broadcast and headed to Marsh Harbour.  We had an uneventful trip and made it to the marina at about 11:30.  Getting into the slip was interesting–but Mr. Adventure managed to get in without hitting any of t he pilings or the ends of the boats extending outside the slip. 
This marina has a small pool, restaurant and bar on location.  We are supposedly withing walking distance to a grocery store.  They provide loaner bikes and have shower facilities as well.    Steve promises that there are tennis courts somewhere nearby–he has agreed to play since I am missing this spring tennis season with my friends.   
Matt Lowe’s Cay
Small Marker–we had to look hard for this, but it is still standing
Rainbow Row Bahamian Style

Mermaid Villas