Christmas Party at Isla Del Sol

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The marina was lighted for the big party at the club dining room on Saturday night.  Before the party a Pearl Harbor Memorial was held.  Our friend from tennis Paul spoke about the significance of the event and his memories of the day Pearl Harbor was bombed.   Many club members attended before heading into the dining room for dinner and dancing.  

 View of the lobby from the stairs.  This is just one of many Christmas trees decorated through out the club.

                                         Santa and Mrs. Claus showed up for the party.The Yacht Club members were seated near the windows so that we could see the marina with all the pretty Christmas lights.  

                                              Snoopy in his Santa Costume sits atop our boat!The marina is sparkly and wondrous at night and the great thing about being here is that it’s only about 70 degrees at night–perfect weather for wandering around without a coat gazing at the lights