Home Again–Briefly

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We went home recently to attend the wedding of a family member.  Steve’s cousin  Scott married Megan on March 1 and we were delighted to be present.  Their wedding and reception was held at Fernbank in Atlanta.  The ceremony was was beautiful and the venue elegantly decorated.   Our girls were all able to arrange their schedules to attend the wedding making it even more fun for us.  Having all three together is always a treat. 

While we were home we had a few days of good weather and were able to spend some time cleaning up the yard after having the property timbered.  Steve worked for two days with a wood chipper, the chainsaw and the tractor chopping up felled trees.  He had help from Michael, and Nathan & Wes on one day.  On the next day I filled in for Wes.  It looks much better.  Nothing like hard work to give everyone a good night’s sleep.

I tackled some inside projects while at home.  My first project was to refinish a table that had been my Grandmother’s.  I have never stripped furniture.  This was to be a learning experience. Along with stripping and refinishing the tables- I painted a bedroom, cleaned out a bedroom, and stripped the wall paper from the basement bath which had been peeling off.

Pictures of the furniture: 

After much work and elbow grease, I got the varnish off of the round table.  The finish on the square table is stubborn and did not budge.  I have to come up with another plan for it.

After taking the round table apart- it became much easier to handle.  I learned to take one small area at a time and move to the next area rather than tackle the whole piece of furniture at once. 

I finished the table and applied a preservative wax.  It turned out beautifully. 

