80th Birthday Party

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On March 22 of this year, my father turned 80 years old.  Being the curious soul that I am, I decided to look into the history books (internet) to find out what important events occurred in 1934.  It is coincidental given my father’s enjoyment of golf that the first Master’s Golf tournament began in Augusta, GA.  Franklin D. Roosevelt was the president and Bonnie & Clyde killed 2 police officers and Babe Ruth hits home run #700.  Wow what a year!

 Our family celebrated Daddy’s birthday at my house recently.  We had a perfect April day in Georgia.  The sun was high with just a few clouds keeping the temperatures warm with cool breezes.  Absolutely perfect!
Enjoy the pictures below.

Birthday Boy and Matthew

We are a family of athletes–so we had to have some form of competition.  I stayed out of this competition so that it wouldn’t get really heated.

Three of the five grandchildren were able to come by for a bite to eat.  The other two were working.

Uncle Gerald on the left, Daddy on the right.

Aunt Sammy and Mama joined in for another photo 

Carly, Matthew, Coleman, Brody & Shelby
These two were outside telling tall tales.  

Barry, Robin and I all took pictures.  Hope to get theirs soon.

We had a great time.
