A-HA! Moment

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In a recent visit to the bank I had an A-HA moment.  I don’t know if many people have these types of moments at the bank except maybe –oops, I guess I didn’t beat that check to the bank with my deposit.  I am not talking about those kinds of situations at the bank.

It all started because  the teller asked me if I had been in town (we are in St. Simons) for the Fourth of July.  I responded by telling her we had come down after my husband ran in the Peachtree Road Race.  She was in awe that we would travel after the race.  I explained to her that he had never run (without being chased) before and he ran the race only because Katy told him he couldn’t and his Uncle Eddie challenged him.  He wanted to finish the race and make it to St. Simons for fireworks.  Steve loves fireworks.

It occurred to me at that moment that I should try that same technique Katy  & Eddie used so effectively  for my own personal devices.  I have  imagined several scenarios…

  •  there is no way you can remodel our bathroom that is 21 years old, it is   impossible.  
  •  you cannot possibly figure out how to enlarge our laundry room, it would require an architect to design. 
  •  you cannot built a pergola over the deck, it wouldn’t be structurally sound.
  •  you cannot add arbor in the yard to grow muscadines, it’s just too hard and the deer would eat everything

The teller jumped in with her own ideas.

  • No, honey there is no way you could survive doing the laundry for a week.
  • No Dear, it would probably kill you to do the grocery shopping for a month.

I wish I had known this technique when shopping with the girls years ago…

  •  Steve, You can’t take all three daughters shopping for swim suits (insert any sort of apparel here) without pulling out your hair or killing one of the girls and stay in budget.  

Happy A-HA moments!
