One more visit to Cumberland

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We anchored outside of Cumberland Island on Sunday afternoon.  My goal was to ride our bikes to the small church on the northern part of Cumberland to see the small church where JFK Jr. was married.  We discovered that the church was an 8 or more mile trip along a sandy road–we nixed that idea quickly.  The main road is not very scenic.  It is straight and there is nothing but marine forest on either side.  The goal while biking this main road is to avoid the enormous mounds of horse droppings. 

We pedaled along the main road until discovering the entrance to the Greyfield Inn. The Greyfield was built for Margaret Ricketson,  daughter of Thomas and Lucy Carnegie in 1900. In 1962 it was converted into an inn by Margaret’s daugher, Lucy Ferguson, who oversees the operation of the inn today.  We continued along the road to find the Little Greyfield Beach. 

 The beaches of Cumberland are as white and powdery as the beaches of the Gulf of Mexico.  
