Going to the Keys

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We are leaving Isla Del Sol this morning at first light to start another adventure.  As the sun comes up we will be going out into the big water (not the intracoastal waterway ICW) and heading south toward Captiva Island.  Our plan is to anchor out near Captiva for the night.  On Tuesday we will head toward the Everglades and anchor for a second night.  Wednesday, with good weather and winds, we should arrive at Marathon Key. We will be staying at Marathon Marina & RV Resort in the Boot Key Channel.  Click here to read about the marina. 

Internet service will be sketchy (and not free) so there may  not be any posts with pictures until after we arrive.  If you are curious as to where we are on this voyage, please don’t hesitate to pick up your phone and call us!  I have loaded my kindle with several books, picked up some cross stitch patterns and other items to keep me busy, but we also love calls or texts if you have the time.
