The Children of Black Point

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The schools were closed while we were at Black Point for the Easter Week holiday.  We attracted a great deal of attention while walking Piper through the settlement.  The children were playing outside and were mostly intriqued by Piper’s presence.  They were quite frightened by her even though we shared that she was old and had never bitten anyone.  One little child asked us if she would bite him if he kicked her.  We asked him not to kick her and that no she probably wouldn’t but why would he want to kick her?  

Most of the children wanted to pet her and were great with her but were seriously frightened if Piper moved her head to lick their sticky hands.  They couldn’t understand that she was just liking of the remnants of the ice cream cone that had dripped on their fingers.  We stopped at Lorraine’s Cafe for some lunch and another opportunity for some Fried Conch.  While waiting at our outdoor table, several children came up to talk and see Piper.  Lorraine’s mother (from whom we had purchase coconut and cinnamon bread) came out to shoo the kids away.  We assume she thought they were bothering us, but they weren’t.  Steve and I were amused as she told the kids to “Get away you kids, go play in the road.”  Since there are only about 3 vehicles on the entire island, the road is a great place for the kids to play ball, skip, and jump rope.


All smiles for the first picture and a fry

Not so happy after the first picture.  I think the camera frightened her. 

Yummy Conch!
