Hill Air Force Base Museum

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Hill Aerospace Museum on a 30 acre  corner of Hill Air Force Base in Utah is a few miles south of Ogden.  The museum is a part of the USAF Heritage Flight Foundation Program.  The mission of this program is to provide flight performances which  include modern fighter & attack aircraft flying alongside WWII, Korean and Vietnam era aircraft to display the air power history of the US.  

There are more than 90 military aircraft on the grounds and inside the Steward Fighter Gallery.  Munitions, ordnance, assorted ground equipment, uniforms and other historical artifacts are included in the collection.  All of these items illustrate the role that Hill Air Force Base and the state of Utah have had in the history of the USAF.  

The first area upon entering the museum focuses on the early years  of flight from 1903-1940 including a replica of the 1903 Wright Flyer.  Also included is the first airplane licensed for production the United States-the Burgess Wright Model built for the Wright Brothers by Starling Burgess.  

The remaining  sections feature WWII (1941-1945), the Dawn of the Jet Age (1946-1953), The Cold War Era(195401989) and a section called Keeping the Peace covering 1990 until today.  The Utah Aviation Hall of Fame and the Women AIrforce Service Pilots sections are also very interesting.  
