Meet & Greet

Izzy is the newest member of the family here on Cross Lane.  Our children no longer live here but that doesn’t mean Izzy is all alone.  When we brought her home, we had two peacocks and two cats with whom she has to learn to peacefully live.  The proud peacock has no trouble letting all the other animals know who is the boss.  Jack, Lainey’s dog, got a little too close to the peacock who pecked a big chunk out of Jack’s head. Ouch!  We warn Izzy not to get too close but she might like to push the limits.  

Notice the peacock lurking in the background making sure this little pup is not going to invade his territory.  

Oliver has been here since 2004.  He could teach her a quick lesson with his claws if he wanted but he seems to enjoy the attention.  

Sookie, on the other hand, is not having anything to do with Izzy.  Sookie doesn’t really like people except for the occasional rub up against a leg.  She prefers her solitude.  It may take a while for Izzy to develop the relationship with Sookie. 


Izzy back to the laundry basket after the chase for a much needed nap.  Finding one’s place in  the family can be hard work!








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