Astor to Palatka

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We had quiet calm night at the anchorage in Astor.  We left at 8:00 heading to Palatka to drop off Charles and Robin.  It turned out to be a nice easy cruise taking about four and a half hours. We were not alone on the river.  Everywhere we turned we saw fishermen.  These two below had the most interesting method for catching fish.  They told us they were fishing for catfish. We could see large fish jumping inside of the net/basket.  

Let me outta here!!!

We were fortunate to see two different Bald Eagles today.  I managed to get a quick shot of both of them.  They are a little shy and like to fly off right about the time I am ready to snap the shot.

 The Bald Eagle lives near open bodies of water and like to build their nests in old growth trees.  We saw the second eagle of the day sitting on a channel marker.

Anyone who knows Steve knows how much he likes the color red. When this boat passed us–I had to bet a picture.

We can’t see the name of the boat because of the dinghy

We spotted a pink house on the way–I have started a collection of pictures of pink houses–this one was smaller than most.  This must be a playhouse for children–but it sure looks tiny from the water. 

Arriving in Palatka about 1:00 we stopped at the same free dock and tied off.  Charles walked over to the hotel and was happy to see his truck  had not been towed.  Robin had a plan though–she said–that’s alright if your truck isn’t there we will just ride with Joy and Steve to Jacksonville and rent a car.

We look forward to our next guests…

John 1:4-5     Hebrews 12:3