Bimini to Cat Cay

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April 1, 2013
We walked around the beach after sleeping in this morning.  The beaches are beautiful, but there is some debris and trash scattered along.  An unattended dog was trying to get friendly with Piper–however, Mr. Adventure was having none of that–the little scroungy mutt was shooed away.
We discovered a wrecked runabout on the rocks before returning back to close out our account with Brown’s before heading to Cat Cay for the night.  It was fairly windy with a quick current when we left, but we got out of the marina without a problem.  Thinking I would enjoy the ride out, and maybe take some pictures, I did not gather up the lines or the fenders like I do typically. 
I quickly discovered that I wouldn’t be taking any pictures or going out at all since the winds were kicking up 6-8 foot waves.  This ride was the most uncomfortable that I have had since owning our boat.  I wasn’t afraid, or sick.  I knew the boat could handle the up and down ride over the water, but I was not sure that I could stay standing or seated.  We traveled this way for about 30 minutes when the water calmed significantly.  I was able to go out without fear of being tossed overboard and gather up the lines and stow away the fenders.
We passed a sunken concrete ship but were not able to stop in the busy waters.  Had it been calm, we were going to anchor and take the tender over for some exploration.  We made it to Cat Cay in the early afternoon and anchored without any difficulty.  We took out the tender to Gun Cay.  We found several beautiful conch shells to take home.  The waves were crashing over the south side of this little cay making a delightful show for us.  By early evening we were joined by about 5 other boats at anchor.  We had no pirate encounters or dragging anchor issues here at Cat Cay.  There were several planes landing and taking off at this private island with its own golf course.   
Conch Shell on Gun Cay
Gun Cay Lighthouse
Gun Cay

Cat Cay Lighthouse