Flo’s in the Berry Islands

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We found the restaurant named Flo’s on Little Harbour Cay in the Berry Islands.   We met Chester who built his restaurant in 1993.  Chester Darville’s family have lived on the island in a settlement founded by his grandparents.  Atop the hill we could see the remains of a home that Chester told us had been uninhabited for 30 years.  Chester serves up conch at this remote restaurant named for his mother Florence.  Reservations are required at least 3 hours in advance by hailing Chester on VHF 68 so that Chester can have the fresh conch ready.

Dinghy Dock to get into Flo’–surrounded by thousands of conch shells

Flo’s from the dinghy–YOU WELCOME is written on the roof
Dinner for 12–ready for their guests to arrive!