Happy Birthday Suzy!

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Happy Birthday Suzanne Springer Poole!!!

Suzy is Steve’s mother and she is 80 years old today.  Suzy has had a rough few months being sick and then when she finally got well, she slipped on her driveway from all the rain we have been having and cut her head.  It took 16 stitches to close the wound.  Happily–she made it to her birthday party on Saturday.  

The party was held at Maggiano’s Little Italy at Perimeter Mall.  We had a great time.  The food was delicious, the staff were professional and the room perfect.  

Bob designed the invitations–really nice job!

Amazingly–everyone who was invited was able to attend.  Even Katy who was working that day got called off work and came by to join us. 

Flower arrangements and Party Favors

Caroline brought a bouquet for the birthday girl!

Bill and Jake–sporting his fabulous hat!

Katy made it!

Gramma with Jake, Caroline, Lainey & Katy

The first course of two salads and Zucchini Fritte was delicious.  We were so full from the Zucchini that we really weren’t hungry for the main course and dessert–but we didn’t let that stop up from indulging. 

Time for presents!!!

A helmet from Bob, Eve & Jake to prevent future head injuries!

Aunt Jean looks on as Suzy opens the gift while Janey points out the many uses!

Sadly, every party must come to an end.

I decided to do a little bit of research on what was happening in 1933–so some little known trivia for you–you might need this at your next Trivia Night at the local Mexican restaurant.

What were the prices like in 1933

1.  Average price of a house—$5750
2.  Cost of  gallon of gasoline—ten cents
3.  Loaf of bread–7 cents
4.  1 pound of ground beef–eleven cents
5. Average wages per year–$1550

Who was the president of the U.S?

Herbert Hoover Till March 4,  Franklin D. Roosevelt after March 4

Prohibition was repealed in 1933, the machine gun was invented by the Japanese and Alcatraz becomes a federal penitentiary–are these things related in some strange way?  

The chocolate chip cookie and the board game Monopoly and the very first Drive In Theater were introduced when Suzy was born.  The first King Kong Movie was shown and Shirley Temple signs a contract with Fox when she was 5 years old.

Suzy shares her birthday year with a few famous people including Willie Nelson, Joan Collins, Yoko Ono, Jayne Mansfield and Michael Dukakis.  

Happy Birthday to Suzy!  Hope you had as good a time as we all did!!!
