Steve, Dave and the Giant Waterslide

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South Seas Resort has three pools.  Two of which have slides.  Steve has a love of water slides.  Do I need to write anything else.  He announced he was going to try out the slides.  After which I gave him the warning that we were visiting on spring break week and there would be many many small children who would be riding the slides and he should be careful with his 6’3″ self.   Dave decided to go along.   I am sure Dave thought we would think all would be ok since he was going to supervise.   We all knew Dave was just as interested in the water slide as Steve he was just a little more nonchalant.

Steve took his waterproof camera along and took these pictures of all the fun.

Dave -feet first

Hey Charlene- Did you see that?

Man! This is sooooo fun!

Belly Slide

Hey Mister –Give me a turn…
