The Sea Aquarium

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The best snorkeling trip we had on our visit to the Exumas was north of Cambridge Cay in the Exuma Land and Sea Park at the Sea Aquarium.  Steve and I were glad to show our friends this beautiful site to snorkel and we were happy that the weather and tides were conducive for a visit.

Charles is taking it all in but Charlene and I are ready to jump!
Charlene–now let me think about this for a minute

Steve and Dave appear to be auditioning for an episode of So You Think You Can Dance Underwater.  They both seem proud of their performances. 

Everyone was captivated by the sea life and the coral displays.  On the return ride to Meandering Joy, we passed by Johnny Depp’s island.  We decided to turn down his invitation for us to come visit, our plans to head to Warderick Wells for an afternoon snorkel trip were far more important.  
