Warderick Wells to Shroud Cay

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Steve had the boat ready to go by the time we returned from our hike to Boo Boo Hill.  We released the mooring ball and were on the way to Shroud Cay.  Shroud Cay is one of Steve’s favorite places to explore.  He loves  to cruise the mangrove creeks in the dinghy and look for sea creatures and birds.  I enjoy getting to the other side to see the pristine beaches.  I am always looking for the perfect word to describe the array of blues, greens and aqua that highlight the water. 

We had to time our trip in the dinghy at high tide–especially since we had to fit 6 people in our dinghy.  It was cozy fit–good thing we are close friends.

The view here is from Camp Driftwood. 

 The best way to understand the mangrove creeks is from this view at Camp Driftwood.  The creeks wind  through from one side of Shroud Cay to the ocean side. 
