Nassau to Chubb

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At this point in our travels-We were both ready to be home.  Having spent most of November & December in St. Petersburg, January and February in Marathon, March and April in the Bahamas, we were homesick.  The trip from Nassau to Chubb Cay was easy. Anchoring there was not.  There were 5 or 6 boats at the small anchorage making tight quarters for me.  We set the anchor once, not satisfied.  Re-set the anchor–felt the rollers–waves that roll the boat side to side.   Talked to the boat next to us who advised us that they were leaving early–but not to worry  it looked like we were not in their way or over their anchor.  

Steve typically lets me choose our anchorage or anchoring spot.  (the one who complains the loudest…)  I was not happy with the location.  I don’t like rollers and I don’t like to be close to other boats.  We pulled up the anchor again after deciding we would travel a few more hours to another anchorage.    I thought Steve meant he would move around to another side of Chubb where there was better protection.  He meant that we would go on to the Bahama Bank and anchor in 12 foot water–no land in sight.  I politely reminded him about Piper, our dog,  who was on board and asked where he planned to walk her.  OOPS–he forgot she was aboard.  

Begrudgingly he turned the boat around, took some pretty strong waves on the side, rolled around a bit and got back into Chubb Cay when I insisted we stay at the marina.  Steve huffed and puffed about staying there.  Not because it isn’t nice but because they charge more than Atlantis and don’t have a water park to throw into the deal.  In my opinion, it is worth every penny to stay at Chubb for a good night’s sleep and peace of mind.  

We got into the slip just fine and headed to the pool to settle down.  We met a nice couple who were heading to the Exumas.  After chatting with them for a while, we realized they needed a set of snorkels and fins so we invited them over and gave them a set we had on board.  Chubb Cay marina is int he process of rebuilding since the economic downturn.  The homes there are beautiful as are the beaches.  
