Mum is not the word

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Mum is not the word. Sometimes I get a little tickle in the back of my mind telling me something is not quite right.  I had that tickling when I bought the yellow chrysanthemum.  That same niggling was there when I wrote about the chrysanthemum.  Sometimes I wish that little tickling would be more demanding.  I might pay a little bit more attention if the voice in my head sounded more like the robot in Lost in Space— “Danger, Will Robinson, Danger.”

This is a chrysanthemum

This is what my chrysanthemum looks like

They are both a sunny yellow which I was hoping to use to brighten up my front porch, but clearly they are very different plants.  My chrysanthemum is actually a Marigold.   

Marigolds are the very FIRST flower on a list of plants Peafowl LOVE to eat or destroy while looking for bugs or just for fun.  I should have consulted this list prior to any purchase.  Other flowers peafowl love include:  pansies, daffodil, petunias, alyssum.  They also love broccoli. 

The good news is that the Marigold also called a Calendula is an herb used for the treatment of skin problems including inflammation.  According to Best Herbal Health there is no skin disease the marigold cannot help.  More good news is that marigolds can be an indoor house plant—if one is not offended by their strong odor.
