It’s that Special Time of Year Again

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Yes, Thanksgiving is celebrated next Thursday.  We are so very thankful for all the many blessings of family and friends we cherish.  Christmas is over a month away but all our local stores would have us believe it is time for Christmas the moment the Halloween candy is gone and the costume is put away.  And yes,  Christmas is a wondrous time of year as we celebrate the birth of Christ.

However, I am not referring to either of these times of the year.   I am talking about the cruising season.  It is time to head for warmer weather in our boat.  We have enjoyed exceptionally mild weather in Georgia this entire year and spending many of the summer months in St. Simons, Georgia is not a hard thing to accomplish.  But we have a yearning for the Bahamas.  We have made the trip twice–once in 2013 and again in 2015.  The beauty of the islands and the simple life of the Bahamian people is calling out to us. 

Steve has spent the summer and fall months preparing the boat for departure. (I’ll let him explain everything he has done in another post because I am not very mechanically minded) I have spent the past few weeks provisioning.  First, a trip to Sam’s for non-perishable food & supplies–paper towels, toilet paper, napkins, coffee,more coffee, shampoo, conditioner… you get the picture.  I usually try to purchase enough of these items to last  3 months.   Then a trip to three grocery stores for more food–green beans, green peas, black-eyed peas (you can tell I a am a girl who loves her southern vegetables)  Tomatoes, juices, salsa (lots of salsa) and the list goes on.  The boat will settle a little further into the water once we have loaded everything.

We have a few more days before we leave our home in Georgia and start moving South like so many other boaters.  Celebrating Thanksgiving this week with our whole family, great food, laughter and hugs will send us on our way.  Our hope is to go to the boat in St. Simons early next week-provision with fresh and frozen foods and then head south looking for a nice bit of weather to cross the great big blue sea.  

James Taylor said in an interview

“Being on a boat

that’s moving through the water,

it’s so clear.

Everything falls into place in terms of

what’s important and what’s not.”



We tend to agree with James.  How about you?  




Final Note:  Please bear with me as I return to blogging and learn a new format.