Tucumcari to Amarillo, Texas

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The main reason for our travel from Salt Lake City to our home in Georgia is to move Caroline’s things to our home while she goes off to explore Ireland. Oh, yeah–she does have a job waiting for here there once her work visa arrives. However, we also made it a goal to see as many off beat tourist attractions as possible. We seem to have a fascination with bizarre, eccentric, and way out-there topics. I personally credit my paternal grandmother’s side of the family for this family trait. They were nothing if not eccentric and I mean that in the best possible way. Love them dearly and glad to call them family!

Created in 1974, Cadillac Ranch is located right off of Interstate 40 in Amarillo Texas. Three men who were part of an art group named Ant Farm, (Chip Lord, Hudson Marquea and Doug Michels) came up with the idea of burying ten Cadillacs nose first into the ground. This interactive art project sits in a cow pasture on property owned by millionaire Stanley Marsh, a long time patron of the arts. Marsh was in search of an art display at the same time three artist were looking for someone to fund their idea. Marsh is credited with saying “Art is a legalized form of insanity, and I do it very well.”

Visitors may visit the exhibit on private property by entering an unlocked gate. Be forewarned–there is an individual who sells souvenirs out of the back of his truck to anyone interested. Bring a can or two of spray paint to your visit as leaving one’s mark on the Cadillacs is encouraged. We came armed with cameras-not spray paint!

We made another stop after visiting the Cadillac Ranch. Many of you know we have an interest in the Recreation Vehicle world. Most of the time we travel by boat but the RV world is also near and dear to our hearts. Cadillac RV Campground is located at the next intersection past Cadillac Ranch. We met Second Amendment Cowboy here. Spray paint is sold here for the budding Cadillac artist.

Not only do we have a fascination for the bizarre, eccentric and unique–these things seem to have a way of finding us.


2 thoughts on “Tucumcari to Amarillo, Texas”

    1. I wondered if you would pick up on that! Glad you are reading and hoping to take a trip with you sometime–that would be very interesting.

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