November 18, 2012

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November 18, 2012
Taking the boat to Annapolis was a great learning lesson.  We let loose the lines and were on our way.  Mickey asked who wanted to drive,   Steve took the helm, how could I deny him what he had been yearning to do since we arrived.  His eyes lit up like a boy with a new toy.  It was windy outside and the waves were peaking at three to four feet.  We watched other boats being tossed around in the water.  I couldn’t believe some were brave enough to go fishing in this type of water.  We had to use the windshield wipers since the water was splashing over the bow.  Once we got into Annapolis, the waves were calm.  As we approached we could see the Naval Academy.  We had to avoid crab pots to stay in the channel.  Steve rounded a large boat and took Meandering Joy into what is known as Ego Alley.  He had a complete audience of early morning dog walkers to grade his trip in an out of the waterway.  The alley widens to about 85 feet in the top of the keyhole shaped waterway.  Steve turned our 55 foot boat without any trouble.  I think the audience gave him a thumbs up.  He did a great job.  

We saw Middleton Tavern established in 1750 from our perch.  We ate here on one of our other visits to Annapolis.  We saw some teens from the local sailing academy learning to sail. As we got further away we passed  the Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse.  Mich told us it is one of the most photographed lighthouses in Maryland.  We also passed the house pictured below.  Mick told us it was once a lighthouse that is now a home.  It is rumored to have tunnels running below it that were built during the prohibition period.

We were able to use the navigation system by Noble Tec.  It a computerized system of the charts used for navigation.  We were able to see the path we had taken to Annapolis and compare it to the path we took upon our return.  We traveled 22 miles in about 2 1/2 hours.  It is an interesting system, which will require several practice sessions for me to understand. 
Back at Burr, we packed up to go play some tennis.  We found 8 courts at the South River High School.  A college preview tournament for girl’s lacrosse was happening all over the campus.  We could see 4-5 games going on while we played.  Steve beat me 6-3, 6-4.  He played well even though he played without glasses. 
After tennis, Steve washed the salt water off of the boat while I began to pack what we needed to go home.  We figured out how to use Netflix on Steve’s computer so we watched a little Law & Order before heading off to bed.  

Philippians 4:7, John 7:38 and Ephesians 5:18-20.  

The Ephesians verses are about how we speak to one another.  I think this may become important to as Steve and I learn to communicate aboard this boat.  Docking the boat is a stressful time for both the captain and the person handling the lines.  This procedure requires specific communication and reply.  I need to add that this communication should be completed in voices that aren’t yelling.  We are getting better at the communication signals and words.  Thinking about communication boating makes me think also about my communication skills on land.  I’ll just say there is room for improvement.