Warderick Wells to Shroud CayWarderick Wells to Shroud Cay
Steve had the boat ready to go by the time we returned from our hike to Boo Boo Hill. We released the mooring ball and were on the way to[...]
Steve had the boat ready to go by the time we returned from our hike to Boo Boo Hill. We released the mooring ball and were on the way to[...]
Steve had the boat ready to go by the time we returned from our hike to Boo Boo Hill. We released the mooring ball and were on the way to[...]
Tuesday morning provided a great opportunity to hike Boo Boo Hill. Steve stayed on board and took care of some housekeeping chores while I got to lead the tour. [...]
Tuesday morning provided a great opportunity to hike Boo Boo Hill. Steve stayed on board and took care of some housekeeping chores while I got to lead the tour. [...]
Travel time from Cambridge Cay to Warderick Wells is not long. We made it in plenty of time to explore a little but just a little too late for a[...]
Travel time from Cambridge Cay to Warderick Wells is not long. We made it in plenty of time to explore a little but just a little too late for a[...]
The best snorkeling trip we had on our visit to the Exumas was north of Cambridge Cay in the Exuma Land and Sea Park at the Sea Aquarium. Steve and[...]
The best snorkeling trip we had on our visit to the Exumas was north of Cambridge Cay in the Exuma Land and Sea Park at the Sea Aquarium. Steve and[...]
Steve dropped off Charlene, Robin and I before he headed to Rocky Dundas. We had a great time exploring and enjoying the cool water on a hot day. Sea urchins[...]
Steve dropped off Charlene, Robin and I before he headed to Rocky Dundas. We had a great time exploring and enjoying the cool water on a hot day. Sea urchins[...]