Conch Salad

(12/22/17) It is a mile and a half from Boat Harbour to Maxwell’s, the grocery store in Marsh Harbour.  We usually walk to the store because it’s a little scary to ride a bike with the traffic and narrow roads and because we like the exercise.  Each time we walk to Maxwell’s or any other of the stores in “town” we pass this nice gentleman below who is busy making conch salad at an outdoor stand.  The stand is on the harbor side of the street. 

He told me his name is George, but most people call him either Showboat, of Show-Bo.  I couldn’t tell because of his accent or perhaps my challenged hearing skills affected my interpretation.  George speaks to every passerby and has the biggest smile.  

George was making and selling conch salad on Friday when we walked by after lunch at Snappa’s with our kids (they arrived early Friday morning).  We asked him to make a pound for us.  He said it would take a few minutes.  I was happy to watch the process. George grabbed a chain from out of the harbor to which several shells were attached.  He took three off the chain and proceeded to remove the meat.  He had already drilled a hole into the shell which helps release the suction and allows for an easier time of getting out the sea-snail.  Yes, conch is basically a sea-snail. 

Shells on the chain George pulled from the water
Selecting the conch
Cracking the shell with the hammer
The sea-snail

George cut away parts of the conch and tossed those inedible parts into the harbour.  He  tossed what was left in a cooler with water and limes.  He then went to work at the cutting board at the outdoor workstation. 

Nice and clean outdoor workstation







George took out a very sharp knife to chop green pepper, tomato and onion.  While chopping he told me that he also owns a restaurant next to the bakery in town.  He says they serve a nice Bahamian breakfast and lunch.  He asked me if I like grits.  I told him of course I like grits.  He smiled and said they have grits for breakfast.  

His children help him run the restaurant.  When I asked if he had big Christmas plans, George replied that his plans were to rest.  He is busy busy and needs to take it easy.


Chopping the pepper







Tomatoes and onions added to the cutting board








Chopping the conch
Adding orange juice to the mixture

George added a little hot sauce from that container with the blue lid.  He would have added as much as we wanted.  Since this is our first batch, we decided to go light on the hot sauce.  

The salad made a delicious appetizer for later in the day.  We served it with tortilla chips.  It tastes very much like ceviche but the conch is a little more chewy than the fish that is typically used for ceviche.  

I found this recipe in my Bahamian cookbook.  If you can get conch where you live, you might want to try it.  It is a little different from George’s recipe, but will give you an idea as to quantities. 

Conch Salad
Serves 4
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  1. 10 young conch, chopped
  2. 2 hot peppers, finely chopped
  3. 1/2 cup sweet green pepper, finely chopped
  4. 1 cup tomato, chopped
  5. 1/2 cup onion, diced
  6. 4 TBS lime juice
  7. Salt to taste
  1. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Chill for 2 hours.
  3. Serve
Adapted from Best Recipes of the Bahamas
Adapted from Best Recipes of the Bahamas
Meandering Joy



4 thoughts on “Conch Salad”

  1. I like ceviche, but I don’t know if I would like that as you say it is chewier than that. I would try it though if you ever make it.

    1. It is not too chewy but a different texture than fish. You would probably like it but you will have to come over here to get some–I won’t be cleaning any conch–

  2. His work station is surprisingly clean! So glad you had the girls there for Christmas! Wish I had been more adventurous when I was younger. Happy New Year!

    1. I know Becky–I am cautious about eating food from street vendors but it was fine. Hoping you are feeling better soon!

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