Hope Town’s East Point

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(2/17/18) Steve went on a fishing trip early this morning with some RMHYC members.  I was a little worried about being out on bumpy water so I stayed in Hope Town for the Songwriters versus the locals basketball game.  Before the game, I took the opportunity to walk around town and explore.  I visited a couple of shops.  Several were operating in darkness with cash only transactions.  The electricity from Marsh Harbour to the out islands was out.  They were operating on an on for two hours off for four hours type program.  Many residences and business have generators some were not running them.  

It seems that anytime I wander around Hope town, I always manage to walk up this narrow alley.  The colorful flowers seem to call out to me to come on up.  I find them hard to refuse.  

Notice another use of duct tape on the mailbox above which coordinates nicely with the home it serves. 

Most of the homes in Hope Town are painted in an array of pastel colors.  This one below stands out with its bare wood.  I like it but wonder if it will eventually be painted.  

The narrow alley led to another alley which I followed to the east side of Elbow Cay.  The homes on this side have a stunning view of the Atlantic ocean.  The darker spots in the water are the coral reefs behind the Hope Town Harbour Lodge where we have been snorkeling.  

On my way back to the basketball court I saw this sign.  One of the nicest signs I have seen on my walks concerning dog walkers.  
